Monday 19 April 2010

Martin, Andy & Derek

The warmest weekend of the season so far but the fishing was slow, the lads fished the top lake and only Derek managed to find a thirty and a seventeen.

Saturday 10 April 2010

Kyle's 200lb haul

Kyle's PB before his visit was 14lb, he smashed that with a 31lb mirror this week, a total catch of 14 fish took the poundage to over 200lb!

Saturday 3 April 2010

Long Weekend 28th - 30th March

Gavin & Wills long weekend saw them land nine fish on Sunday night with Will taking a 23lb 12oz Common and a 28lb 8oz Mirror both PB's Gavin landed a 29lb 8oz Mirror.

The weather is warming up and the fish are starting to move.